"An Increasing number of individuals should acquire the skill of solving a Rubik's Cube because there are numerous advantages to it." -Namit Kabra

Wanna learn more about these advantages?? Head over to the Why Cubing page!

About Me!

Hi, This is Namit a dedicated cuber and the very founder of CubeIt currently studying at VKE in Pune. Cubing has always been my passion. Through constant dedication, I have engaged in various cube competitions propelling my cubing voyage forward. Honestly, even I still remain a keen learner drawing wisdom from other big cubing stars such as Max park and Yiheng Wang yet my utmost aspiration is to achieve something monumental in the world of cubing- a dream that burns brightly within me!

Why Cubeit??

Cubeit is a dedicated Platform for learning and mastering the art of solving Rubik's Cubes. Our Goal is to provide comprehensive resources and tools to help cube enthusiasts improve their solving skills and explore the world of speedcubing. It not only offers you to learn various and different kinds of rubik's cubes with the help of algorithms with notations for every cube and videos but also provides you with other cube specifications and tools such as a Cube Timer and a Cube Competitions Page.

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