Why Cubing??

Cubing, or solving Rubik's Cubes and similar puzzles, has gained popularity as a recreational activity and a competitive sport. While it may seem like a simple game, cubing can have several benefits for the brain and cognitive development. Here are a few reasons why cubing is considered important and how it can affect our brain:

  1. Helps with problem solving skills as it requires logical thinking, planning and the ability to breakdown complex problems into smaller and easier steps. This also helps with decision making skills and analytical reasoning.
  2. Improves and increases memory and concentration. Cubing also requires memorizing algorithms and other used formulas applied in every layer of the cube. Therefore, it also helps in the increment on brain power by stressing it out and remembering all the formulas and algorithms. Along with concentration it also improves in grasping of knowledge and improves the mind to focus.
  3. Improves fine motor skills such as coordination; specifically, hand-eye coordination.
  4. Patience and Perseverance: Solving a complex puzzle like a Rubik's Cube can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for beginners. It requires patience, perseverance, and the ability to handle frustration and setbacks. Also helps in tackling challenging and difficult problems faced in real life scenarios.
  5. Helps in the visualization of 3 dimensional objects in real life contexts which can be beneficial in some fields such as mathematics.
  6. Far most important of all is that it also provides relaxation and stress relief. It helps in stress management. Engaging and solving rubik's cubes can also be a calming activity and a type of relaxation for some people like me which provides break from the daily stressful routine we deal with.

To conclude, I believe cubing or solving Rubik's Cubes provides many benefits and is very much beneficial as it enhances problem solving skills, memory, concentration, fine motor skills while promoting patience, perseverance, and relaxation, Although it may not be the same and differ for others.

Cubing may be challenging at first but eventually when you get going with it; it becomes a habit and eventually a hobby. It is not quite popular. According to the data given below, only 6% of the world population does know how to solve a rubik's cube. Together, we can increase the popularity of this rare sport and try to grow it and make it a bigger marketplace where more people know how to solve a rubik's cube.